At eSmart Systems, AI is in our DNA. We have been working on AI for infrastructure inspections for over 10 years. Drawing from our successful experience working with 50+ utilities globally, here are 6 things you should consider before starting your AI journey for infrastructure inspections.

- AI requires validation. You cannot escape this, when dealing with critical assets. The AI suggestions must be validated and this is how the AI learns.
- Training data is crucial. You need a lot of training data for AI to work successfully. Working with a vendor who has a lot of training data will give you a better starting position on your journey.
- Use a scaled approach. Apply AI to your most commonly occurring defects first.
- Focus on business value. AI can be a powerful tool to achieve a business-driven goal. Don’t get side-tracked by AI – focus on your business goal.
- AI supports Virtual Inspections and should be incorporated into the process and should not be considered in isolation. We have seen innovation projects just focused on measuring AI performance, but this does not tell you the full picture in terms of benefits gained.
- Beware of unrealistic promises. If you are being promised full automation from day 1, alarm bells should be ringing. AI is a journey and must be trained on your infrastructure. The key is working with a provider who is a subject matter expert.
If you would like a discussion with our experts on AI or how it can be applied to your inspections, contact us today!
For more insights, listen to our podcast on AI misconceptions.
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