Kragerø Energi AS becomes the sixth company to utilize and operate Connected Drone Image Analysis, an intelligent assistant based on eSmart Systems’ Connected Platform.

The product provides an overview of pictures from completed power line inspections. The imported picture material is used to visualize the condition of line components in the physical grid. Analysis is carried out using machine learning and leading analysis methods, and is processed with unique velocity
More efficient process
The grid company Kragerø Energi AS was one of eSmart Systems’ first collaboration partners in the revolutionary Connected Drone project. This week the two companies signed a contract enabling Kragerø Energi to start utilizing and operating Connected Drone Image Analysis.
By using our artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool, the process of detecting errors in the power grid gets more efficient. The software identifies these errors before they occur
Connected Drone Image Analysis is a product that will give the grid companies greater value of the image material they already have
He adds
Opens new possibilities
CEO of Kragerø Energi AS, Geir Elsebutangen, notes that the collaboration also opens unique possibilities.
“eSmart Systems’ R&D projects provides smaller grid companies with the opportunity to participate and acquire important competence and technology, says Elsebutangen.
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