eSmart Systems’ industry leading AI-based grid inspection software has been rebranded as Grid Vision™. This platform will continue to reduce operational costs, increase reliability, generate accurate and detailed asset records, and extend the life of utility infrastructure.

This year, eSmart Systems announced it had rebranded its industry leading AI-based grid inspection software as Grid Vision™, in order to better serve utilities and more accurately reflect the value and benefits it delivers for its global utility partners. Previously known as “Connected Drone”, the software is already utilized by over 35 utilities in the U.S. and Europe and is the most widely adopted AI-based grid inspection software product in the industry.
2020 is a critical year in the growth of eSmart Systems, with a focus on Grid Vision™ and enabling more efficient and effective utility T&D inspections. This rebranding of our core product Grid Vision™ is an important step in our global expansion. Our prior name implied that we owned and operated drones which is not the case and could be confusing for our important ecosystem of partners
The name Grid Vision™ more accurately reflects the software’s agnostic approach to how high resolution images are captured, supporting image capture from any aerial or ground-based source, to analyze and inspect the world’s critical electric grid infrastructure for transmission and distribution assets. The product currently analyzes grid assets throughout Europe and North America by using a combination of AI and human intelligence to update asset inventories, detect defects, extend asset life, and inform critical decision making.
Grid Vision supports Collaborative Intelligence
eSmart Systems’ Collaborative Intelligence approach combines human intelligence from Subject Matter Experts with Grid Vision™. Together they analyze high-resolution images captured by Unmanned Aircraft Systems, manned helicopters, and ground crews. As algorithms are localized, the software delivers greater value and accuracy over time. These capabilities are a key linchpin transitioning from today’s manual grid inspection practices to a process that uses the optimal combination of humans, AI, and images. These synergies result in more efficiently inspected grid systems, reduced failure rates, and extended asset life.
Read more about Grid Vision here, or contact us to get more information.
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