For the third year in a row Abelia and the Norwegian tech network ODA has listed Norway’s 50 most successful tech women on the International Women’s Day (IWD), March 8. This year, as in previous years, we can find an eSmarter on the list. Our very own Chief Operating Officer, Tina Skagen.

I am proud to be named on of Norway’s top 50 tech women again this year. I want to share this with all my colleagues in eSmart Systems, both men and women. Diversity is a driver for innovation, and the diverse, dedicated and driven team at eSmart is what makes us a great company in every sense
said Skagen
Role models in the tech industry
Developing and using new technology is both crucial to meeting our greatest societal challenges, and to developing the business community we will be living in Norway in the future. For that job we need problem solvers of both sexes
Haugli and Næss believe that increased recruitment of both women and men to technology professions requires three things: Good role models, development opportunities and a good working environment. He also believes that good gender balance has an effect on the bottom line, in that it makes the company more attractive in the labor market and in that diversity internally increases the possibilities of adapting solutions to a multitude of customers externally.
The 75 employees in eSmart Systems represent 11 nationalities. 21 % are women. The company has a wide span in age, industry experience and educational background.
Research proves that diverse teams come up with better solutions. With the challenges our world faces today we need the best solutions. It is true for eSmart Systems as a company and the competitive edge of our solutions, and it is true for our society and planet
said Skagen
About Tina Skagen
Tina holds a M.Sc. in Strategy and Management from Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. In 2008, she completed the Norwegian Entrepreneurship Program in Boston as a part of her master’s degree. In 2015, she participated in the program Innovation Management in a Global Business Perspective at the Norwegian Business School. Over the past years, Tina has held positions as Business Controller and Project Manager at different Norwegian corporations.
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