eSmart Systems’ CTO, Erik Åsberg, has been appointed the reputable title as Microsoft Regional Director for a second consecutive two-year period.

Regional Directors are hand-picked by Microsoft based on a rigorous set of evaluations designed to help select the best representatives of developer, IT Pro, and strategic technology needs of the world’s most impactful businesses. In 2017, Erik was chosen as Microsoft Reginal Director – Norway for the first time.
It is an honor and a great privilege to again be acknowledged by Microsoft and appointed Regional Director for a second consecutive period. Microsoft is a key partner for us at eSmart Systems, and I am looking forward to continuing taking part in this prominent worldwide community of technology
Microsoft Regional Director Program
Established in 1993, the program consists of 175 of the world’s top technology visionaries chosen specifically for their proven cross-platform expertise, community leadership, and commitment to business results. Regional Directors are typically keynoting at top industry events, leading community groups and local initiatives, running technology-focused companies, or consulting on and implementing the latest breakthrough within a multinational corporation.
Read more about the program on Microsoft Regional Directors.
About Erik Åsberg
Erik Åsberg serves as Chief Technology Officer of eSmart Systems AS. With over 20 years of experience from the energy & IT field, he is an expert in leveraging the use of new technology to strengthen businesses through complete eco-systems on Microsoft Azure platform.
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