At eSmart Systems we have always been pushing the envelope to enable our utility customers to get the most out of technology to help solve their business problems. We pioneered virtual inspections for critical infrastructure over 10 years ago and are working with 60+ global utilities to inspect and digitalize power grid infrastructure every day. We were the first to market the use AI to support grid inspectors, to make the inspections faster and with more objectivity.
We are now breaking ground again with a new way for our customers to get the biggest return on using AI for virtual inspections!

AI is an amazing tool for supporting virtual inspections. And honestly, the first three models can be made by anyone. Running 50+ models at industrial scale is a completely different ballgame.
This is our turf. With our unparalleled volume of customers and data, we empower all our customers using AI.
The subsequent challenge is that utilities have different definitions of what they consider a defect. This is the challenge we are now addressing and solving with our new patent pending AI technology.
Our patent pending AI technology allows our AI to adapt to each utility’s specific needs while still capitalizing on global training data and models. While performing an inspection in Grid Vision®, our AI will adjust, adapt and learn, on the fly. This will reduce the number of false positives and dramatically increase the value of the AI.
Our customers will see our AI adapting to their own definitions of defects. By using our new patent pending technology, we enable our AI to adapt to each customer’s feedback to our AI while using Grid Vision. Which means improved performance of AI for defect detection, reduced retraining, and reducing inspection time.
The underlying patent pending technology is not limited to powerline inspections or image recognition. This methodology is applicable for anyone who uses feature extractors whether they are working with images, sound and even text. Anywhere you meet the feature extractions limitation, our patent pending technology will be helpful in getting the quickest ROI.
Want to learn more about our new patent pending AI technology and how it will help you get quicker ROI on your virtual inspections contact us today: Contact us today.
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