On November 8th, 2017, Norway’s and the world’s largest electronic security supplier entered a partnership agreement with a corresponding world-leading supplier of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The parties will collaborate on deliveries of innovative, forward-looking solutions in the welfare and security sector.

Stanley Security is a leading company within electronic security in Norway and the world. The company has long roots both nationally and internationally and is considered the preferred supplier of alarm security, security cameras and access control solutions related to one of Norway’s most technologically advanced alarm and 24/7 response centers.
For a long time, we have been looking for an innovative partner who can lift our own digitization process, while also being so complementary that we can have a concrete market cooperation. This collaboration between Stanley and eSmart Systems provides this combination, enabling us to deliver smart and future-oriented security services to our customers
Exploring New Opportunities
Together, eSmart Systems and Stanley Security focus heavily on innovation and development of future security services. Entering a partner agreement, the companies show that they will work together to explore new technological opportunities in emerging markets such as Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Office, Smart Home, Welfare Technology and Smart City.
eSmart Systems develops digital intelligence for the energy industry and smart communities. The company is based on more than 20 years of international experience in establishing and managing knowledge-based, leading IT and energy-related companies targeting global markets.
Previously, the parties have entered an agreement for delivery of a backend support system for a new and flexible alarm solution at Stanley Security. This solution handles incoming alarms and connects them to Stanley Security’s 24-hour alert station.
eSmart Systems is responsible for software delivery, while eSmart Systems’ subsidiary, E2U, has entered a similar agreement for hardware and logistics delivery. Stanley Security delivers the service – including surveillance and alarm service – to their end customers.
Equipped for Further Development
With a platform allowing the usage of IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for collecting market-leading data, the partners are well equipped for further development as well as reduction of operating costs.
The cooperation with Stanley Security is important to us in eSmart Systems. Stanley Security is large on security both nationally and internationally. Through this collaboration we will be able to deliver competitive solutions and services to the security market, which shows the width of our platform’s areas of application
Using eSmart Systems’ solutions in the field of AI and machine learning at Stanley Security, the security giant will be able to improve existing market offerings. For example, they could reduce the number of false alarms with subsequent callouts or achieve faster and better response on alarms. They will also be able to create predictive safety analyzes, where it will be possible to uncover unwanted events before they occur.
The signing of the new partnership agreement took place in the Simulation Center at Remmen Business Park in Halden, Wednesday, November 8th.
Read also (external link): Inngår partnerskap med verdensledende selskap
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