Stedin webinar 4

Congestion management is a challenge for many grid Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and to reliably manage congestion they require detailed insights into the hot spots and bottlenecks, accurate forecasting and network calculations and collaboration between customers, market parties and stakeholders but this all needs to be underpinned with precise asset data.

Stedin, DSO for 2.3+ million customers in the Netherlands, realised that the asset data they used for their network calculations resulted in anomalies.

Watch this webinar to hear industry experts discuss:

  • Stedin’s approach to validating asset data for their 22,000 Medium Voltage substations
  • The value Stedin is getting from the uplifted asset data
  • Use cases for reducing incidents, congestion management, capacity planning and asset management


  • Wouter van Deurzen, Data Quality Manager, Stedin
  • André Kleinrensink, Project Director, eSmart Systems