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Faster Inspections

30% OPEX

Savings of €50+ M/Year

Virtual Inspections Built​ For The Digital Era.

Grid Vision® conducts virtual inspections powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Transmission and Distribution operators world-wide, enabling faster, safer and more cost-effective inspection processes and automated image-based inventory of grid assets. ​

Grid Vision is hardware agnostic and flexible to our customers needs. We deliver a holistic approach to the end-to-end inspection process, working with our customers to obtain the highest return and shortened time-to-value.





100000+ KM

Overhead Lines Inspected



Utilities globally are using Grid Vision

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Grid Vision Insight

Value Beyond The Inspection

Grid Vision builds your image-based digital asset as you inspect which represents your physical grid.​​

Our customers are continuing to reduce O&M costs, improve safety, processes and support regulatory compliance beyond the inspection by utilizing this asset data across their departments for the following : 

  • Maintenance & planning 
  • Capital planning 
  • Outage response 
  • Emergency maintenance
  • Wildfire mitigation 
  • Common vulnerabilities 
  • Capital planning 
  • Inspection schedule optimization

Years of Asset Inspection Experience

Software Enabled Services

Minimize Time To Value And Maximize ROI. 

Need support? We got it, with our modular approach we can provide services in conjunction with our software to support your inspections. 

Our services can be used short-term while building your expertise, or on a longer-term basis.​ Our engineers have extensive domain expertise with multidisciplinary teams with technical backgrounds such as electrical engineering or similar with multiple certifications.

Case Studies


This is another step towards a new paradigm in the operation and maintenance of our power distribution networks. We are betting on a strategy based on the digitalization of our assets and procedures, a journey where we keep innovating through several initiatives like the GALA project, in which we optimized the maintenance of our networks in terms of vegetation, and built a digital twin for our overhead lines.

Raúl Suárez
General Manager of UFD

We have been excited about eSmart since hearing about them through our partnership with Energy Impact Partners (EIP). Utilizing cutting-edge technology in the form of AI to inspect our distribution poles makes our electric grid smarter, improves our business processes and helps to keep the lights on for our customers.

Zac Gladhill
Director of Grid Integration and Innovation for OG&E

Grid Vision will provide great support for our powerline inspections. We see real value using the tool in our daily work, through improved visibility and awareness of our assets’ condition and the continuous learning of the algorithms driving better asset performance management

Nicolas Naef
Head of Maintenance Group Power Lines East at Axpo and Drone Pilot at Axpo
Energinet Quote

We needed a solution to help streamline our rust inspections and at the same time improve the end-to-end maintenance process. Working with eSmart Systems gives us access to world class AI and inspection management tools, and the ability to participate in the design of this all-new module is an exciting step on our innovation and digitalization journey.

Kenneth Nørup Knudsen
Team Leader and Senior Specialist at Energinet

Digital and innovative solutions are key for our grids in being the backbone of the energy transition. In order to achieve the best for our network customers, we also rely on strong partnerships with start-ups. By partnering with eSmart Systems, we are improving the accuracy of power grid inspections and the security of supply. Ultimately, fewer mast climbs will be necessary, resulting in an increase in work safety.

Thomas König
Responsible For Networks On The E.ON Board Of Management

Xcel Energy’s work on unmanned aircraft systems with our partners demonstrates that collaboration benefits customers, the economy, and the environment. Our company is an industry leader in using UAS technologies for transmission line inspections and our work with eSmart Systems and EDM will help improve the safety and reliability of the energy grid.

Michael Lamb
Senior Vice President, Transmission – Xcel Energy

Learn More About Virtual Inspections and AI

A.I. All around you – Moving past misconceptions

Hear eSmart Systems CTO, Erik Åsberg break down myths and misconceptions surrounding Artificial Intelligence, how it is already part of everyday life and how it contributes to a resilient power supply.

Are all virtual inspections the same?

Absolutely not! Lets take a step back and look at the definition of virtual inspections for energy infrastructure; a virtual inspection is any visual asset inspection that is preformed remotely – conducted while physically away from the asset in the field using remotely sensed data (e.g., high-resolution imagery).

Watch our webinar – How AI & Virtual inspections changed operations at Xcel Energy

Inspecting transmission and distribution assets is tremendously time- and labor-intensive for utilities. Watch this webinar to learn the benefits and requirements of using a virtual inspection program and what AI is and isn’t capable of doing.

Start Your Journey Today ​